A virtual reality game based on Zack Snyder’s “Rebel Moon” franchise at Netflix is launching from Sandbox VR. Titled “Rebel ...
Zack Snyder's Rebel Moon Netflix franchise is getting a virtual reality game adaptation at Sandbox VR locations around the ...
Netflix has announced a virtual reality game based on Zack Snyder ’s Rebel Moon sci-fi franchise titled Rebel Moon: The Descent , which is launching from Sandbox VR. The VR experience will see players ...
Instead of a console or at-home VR experience, this adventure invites players to physically step into the world of Rebel Moon. Fans will find themselves on the planet Daggus, tasked with battling ...
On Friday I published my review of Zack Snyder’s R-rated Director’s Cut of Rebel Moon, the first part, at least, which was 3.5 hours and I did not have it in me to watch another 3 hours for ...
Sandbox VR, in partnership with Netflix, has launched its 10th location-based VR experience based on the streaming giant’s ...