Buddleia, also known as the butterfly bush, is a fast-growing perennial adored by pollinators. Many varieties are hardy down to zone 5, but a bit of extra care can help them withstand particularly ...
Butterflies in the Garden David Folk, David & Joan Folk’s Butterfly Farm Join us for an educational seminar on how to attract and nurture butterflies in your garden! Learn the essential tips and ...
Provide the butterflies with warmth (a sunny spot), shelter (shrubs and trees) and nectar and butterflies will start to use your garden to feed and maybe even breed.
Even small gardens in built-up areas can support a great variety of butterflies if they contain the right plants. In the heart of London, the Museum's Wildlife Garden has recorded 23 species of ...
it's one of the numerous species that has benefitted from our 2011 agreement with the Fish and Wildlife Service pushing the agency forward on Endangered Species Act decisions for 757 plants and ...