Smart Expo d.o.o.
africon consulting services (Kenya) Ltd.
Smart Expo d.o.o.
International Trade Shows Link Ltd.
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Sandon Global demonstrates commitment to corrugated with presence at UK Corrugated Trade Show 2024 Visit ...
The Impacts of Gas Crisis on The Pulp and Paper Industry ...
Print and digital solutions: At first this sounds like a contradiction in terms. However, the printing industry has known for a long time that it can only go hand in hand. Anyone who processes data ...
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What does sustainability mean in the industry?
Only certain parts of the agricultural products, usually the roots, fruits, seeds or juices, end up as food. While some parts of the plants are used as animal feed, billions of tons of agricultural ...
In our series, guest author Dr. Julia Bangert from the International Gutenberg Society introduces the inventions of Johannes Gutenberg. The second edition is all about the hand mould. Julia Bangert ...