Venus and Saturn will be in conjunction this weekend, appearing side by side in the night sky during January's post-sunset "planet parade."
The new moon of January will be at 7:36 a.m. Eastern Time on Jan. 29, according to the U.S. Naval Observatory, and two days later a young moon will pass near Saturn and near Venus as they cluster together in the evening sky.
This is the last chance to catch the pair in conjunction this year—with Venus set to be unusually bright in the night sky.
On Jan. 18, Venus will join forces with taskmaster Saturn, bringing clarity and structure to areas where you’ve been drifting without boundaries or focus. Although it could initially seem like a harsh reality check, this sobering synergy is helping you ...
The night sky will feature a parade of its own in the coming weeks, with several planets visible for sky watchers to enjoy.
Baker said that there are other astronomical events that may be more interesting than the parade of planets. Baker said Mars and Jupiter would be best to see through a telescope right now. Mars is the closest it will be to Earth in the last two years, meaning the red planet will appear larger in the night sky.
Wednesday, February 5 First Quarter Moon occurs at 3:02 A.M. EST. Nearly half a day later, the Moon passes 5° north of Uranus at 4 P.M. EST, located at the border between Aries and Taurus.
Known as the "Parade of Planets," the celestial event will feature appearances from Mars, Jupiter, Uranus, Venus, Neptune and Saturn through the end of January, according to Farmer's Almanac. Mercury will emerge in the night sky at the end of February, replacing Saturn.
“Saturday evening, January 18: Venus and Saturn will appear nearest to each other. As evening twilight ends at 6:15 p.m. EST, Venus will be 30 degrees above the southwestern horizon with Saturn 2.2 degrees to the lower left. Saturn will set first on the western horizon almost 3 hours later at 9:04 p.m.”
The best time to see this row of planets is on Friday evening (January 31) at 6.45pm UK time, according to Starwatch. If stargazers join up Venus, Jupiter and Saturn and Mars with an imaginary line in the sky, this will reveal the ecliptic path that the Sun, Moon and planets all follow.
In this episode, Dave Eicher invites you to go out and watch a close pairing of two naked-eye planets: Venus and Saturn. The two will be in the southwestern evening sky, and will be closest during the week of January 19.
On Jan. 18, Venus will join forces with taskmaster Saturn, bringing clarity and structure to areas where you’ve been drifting without boundaries or focus. Although it could initially seem like a ...