"The Brutalist" will be released nationwide next week. The film tells the story of an architect who survives the Holocaust ...
"The Brutalist" is a nearly four-hour historical drama starring Adrien Brody as celebrated architect László Tóth. Here's what ...
The Brutalist, releasing on January 24, is gaining attention for Guy Pearce’s BAFTA-nominated performance. Directed by Brady ...
The director discusses the immigrant experience, his own origins and why America needs a movie about a sympathetic rightwinger ...
Award-wining film, “The Brutalist,” follows the life of Hungarian-Jewish architect László Tóth in post-World War II America.
In this infill project, a row of garages in Blackheath, south-east London, has been replaced by a contemporary family home by ...
The making of a good building,” observed architect Frank Lloyd Wright, “is a great moral performance.” Like many notable ...
I’m one of the Ottawa music fans who goes to see shows year-round, often several times a week. While our city is renowned as ...
Anne Hendricks Bass, the philanthropist and arts patron who died in 2020, was known for being rigorous and exacting in all ...