Inflammation represents a long-conserved biological process characterized by the release of chemical messengers that regulate ...
The immune system – made up of organs, tissues, cells and proteins – is your body’s personal defense system against bacteria ...
Fever temperatures rev up immune cell metabolism, proliferation and activity, but they also -- in a particular subset of T cells -- cause mitochondrial stress, DNA damage and cell death, researchers ...
The tumor microenvironment—an ad hoc, messy amalgamation of signaling molecules, immune cells, fibroblasts, blood vessels, and the extracellular matrix—acts like a "powerful security system ...
New study demonstrates that one type of lipid is so critical for immune evasion that certain cancers cannot proliferate without them. Modulating intake of dietary lipids could open up an avenue for ...
Cancer has been described as "a wound that does not heal," implying that the immune system is unable to wipe out invading ...
A study led by researchers from the University of Southampton found the body’s natural “killer” cells – from the immune system which protects against disease and infections ...
Implanting a pouch of stem-cell-derived pancreas cells under the skin of type 1 diabetics has enabled them to live without ...
Fever temperatures rev up immune cell metabolism, proliferation and activity, but they also -; in a particular subset of T cells -; cause mitochondrial stress, DNA damage and cell death, Vanderbilt ...
When those encounters occur, the immune system biologically "tags" some as "foreign" to the body and ripe for destruction, while leaving others alone. But one of the hallmarks of cancer cells is ...
Our present study implies that intestinal tuft cells can be trained by IL-25 and it may explain the different susceptibility ...
Cancer cells seldom start off stealthy. Quite to the contrary, they announce their presence to the immune system by planting chemical red flags right on their membranes. Once alerted, the body’s ...