Donald Trump was sworn in for his second presidential term on Monday, and for Jimmy Kimmel, the new president's speech seemed ...
However, it's eventually revealed that Cion has been blackmailing Sidious, having discovered his more illicit dealings in Coruscant's lower levels as Senator Palpatine: Although Cion seemingly ...
“Palpatine is a populist ... She told him it was fine, that she just had business back at the Senate and she’d stayed too long already. She looked away when she saw the hurt in his eyes ...
Palpatine has orchestrated the rise of the tyrannical Galactic Empire, which rules the galaxy. The Republic, a democracy, was formerly the galaxy's central government, and its Galactic Senate ...
Palpatine is completely an evil caricature of Senator Palpatine. The darker they go, it’s like if you never hear the word ‘no’ from anyone, or you refuse hearing the word ‘no’ from any ...