When introducing automatic train operation (ATO) in the railway sector, it must be determined how powerful the technical system for controlling the train must be. The question arises as to how these ...
The development of a CFRP hydrogen tank for commercial aircraft is seen as a potential enabler of carbon-neutral flight. Cryogenic or liquid hydrogen (LH2) as a fuel, in combination with a turbine or ...
Die Entwicklung eines CFK-Wasserstofftanks für Verkehrsflugzeuge wird als ein wesentlicher Schritt zur Verwirklichung des emissionsfreien Fliegens gesehen. Kryogener oder flüssiger Wasserstoff (LH2) ...
The developments target innovative operational solutions with high grades of automation close to autonomy. Virtual Coupling of Train Sets (VCTS) is one approach to operate trains, consists or even ...
So, what´s your backup plan? German Aerospace Centre evaluates prototype of a centralized Remote Control Workplace as fallback solution for automatic railway operation At the Institute of ...
Launch vehicles are complex and expensive systems the costs of which cannot be spread over many missions if the vehicles are expendable. Therefore, worldwide research activities are ongoing to find ...
Schauen, wo sich die Polarstern befindet – das ist momentan mein erster Akt am Morgen, noch bevor die Kinder wach sind.
DLR will be showcasing its latest technologies and rail transport research at InnoTrans 2024. The rail trade fair will take place from 24 to 27 September in Berlin. Exhibits include the futuristic NGT ...