The creators of the Pixar film Inside Out 2 reportedly received repeated instructions from parent company Disney to make the main character, Riley, "less gay." Former employees revealed this to the ...
One of Georgia’s most well-known transgender women has been murdered in her home, just one day after the parliament passed a drastic anti-LGBT+ bill. Share this The Georgian trans influencer, Kesaria ...
The creators of the Pixar film Inside Out 2 reportedly received repeated instructions from parent company Disney to make the main character, Riley, "less gay." Former employees revealed this to the en ...
Remus ist ein junger Mann der sich in der Canal Street gut auskennt. Er erzählt uns von seinem Ausgehabenden und seiner Leidenschaft für Musik. Remus möchte als Radiomoderator arbeiten und bekommt die ...
Acteur, schrijver en cabaretier Richard Gadd was een van de grote winnaars van de avond. De biseksuele Gadd schreef en produceerde de show Baby Reindeer, waarin hij zelf ook de hoofdrol vertolkte. Met ...
Russians do not need to worry about mpox, as Russia "embraces traditional values," says the country's consumer watchdog. Share this According to Anna Popova, the head of the Russian consumer watchdog ...
Kamala Harris zou volgens Trump verantwoordelijk zijn voor het experimenteren met “transgender-operaties op illegale aliens in gevangenissen”. De bizarre uitspraak die de voormalig president van de ...
Russen hoeven zich geen zorgen te maken over mpox, aangezien Rusland “traditionele waarden” omarmt. Dat zegt de consumentenwaakhond in het land. Delen Volgens Anna Popova, het hoofd van de Russische ...
According to Trump, Kamala Harris is responsible for experimenting with "transgender operations on illegal aliens who are in prison". The bizarre statement made by the former President of the United ...
Pope Francis, who recently faced criticism for using homophobic language, has met with two LGBT+ activists from African countries where being LGBT+ is illegal. The visit is notable, as many African ...