It’s all getting a bit scary isn’t it? This whole government of national unity thing I mean. Judging by the sort of comments I’ve been reading on Twitter and in the media there is huge resistance with ...
The Democratic Alliance (DA) expresses dismay following the recent decision to strike the Estina Vrede Dairy case off the roll in the Bloemfontein High Court. This decision marks a significant setback ...
This is Cyril Ramaphosa’s second bite at the presidential cherry. History will be harsh on that first term. It’s not only that he failed to rectify the collapses and reverses of the criminal Jacob ...
The uMkhonto weSizwe Party Youth League (MKYL) pledged its unwavering support and joined the overnight strike in Tshwane, in solidarity with the Gauteng Youth Brigade Organisation, representing 32,000 ...
A LOT has been written about last week’s Forum on China-Africa Cooperation summit, an event hailed by Beijing as a “grand reunion of the China-Africa big family”. Wading through the news reports on ...
SANDU has noted with concern reports circulating on social media as well as reports directly from SANDF members deployed in DRC about an attack by M23 near Sake on 30 May 2024 which resulted in 1 ...
Iqbal Jassat says the reservations expressed by the movement are entirely legitimate The triumphant narrative that's emerged from the settler colonial regime's notorious Polish-born war criminal ...
Today 12 years ago, 34 mineworkers were killed and 78 injured, many of them critically, because they dared to stand up and speak out against their living conditions and their low wages. These men were ...
ActionSA notes the withdrawal of the ANC-sponsored urgent Motion of No Confidence (MONC) in the Executive Mayor of City of Tshwane in Council today. The withdrawal of the MONC is appreciated, as it ...
30 Years of Democracy: South Africa's 2024 elections marked by uncertainty and a desire for change As South Africa approaches the 2024 national and provincial elections, the nation finds itself at a ...
Gauteng NPOs and their beneficiaries face a bleak future after the Gauteng Department of Social Development (GDSD) reduced the Non-Profit Organisations (NPOs) budget by R400 million from the main ...
Phumlani Majozi says the two major obstacles to advancement are poor education and unemployment Poverty remains a big challenge around the world. Africa our continent, is categorised as world's ...