This could create a domino effect across the global supply chain, causing backlogs, equipment shortages, and increased ...
The International Longshoremen’s Association’s 6-year contract with the East Coast and Gulf Coast ports will expire on Sept.
If East Coast and Gulf Coast port workers don't reach a labor deal this week, Americans could face high prices and shortages this holiday.
A strike by dockworkers would be the biggest disruption to the flow of goods in and out of the country since the height of the pandemic.
Days before dockworkers are scheduled to strike at seaports from Maine to Texas, analysts are warning of widespread cargo ...
Tens of thousands of US dockworkers plan to strike next week if there is no breakthrough on contract talks, just a month ...
Top Biden administration officials met with port operators ahead of a possible strike at East and Gulf coast ports, with a ...
There are just a handful of days until a potential strike ensues at ports up and down the East Coast, including at the Port ...
Longshore workers at ports from Maine to Texas are set to walk off the job early Tuesday, staging what could become the most ...
"The looming port strike could have major effects on business owners' supply chains, especially for small and medium-sized ...
Tens of thousands of dock workers on the East and Gulf coasts could strike at midnight on Monday if there is no contract ...
The Canadian Chamber of Commerce says $3.6 billion worth of goods cross the U.S.-Canada border every day, which is now threatened by a potential East Coast port shutdown.