Expected Price in India. GTA 6’s standard edition is projected to retail at Rs 5,999, while premium editions could go up to Rs 7,299. Though pre-order discounts may be av ...
When I was a kid, video games cost $40. Now they're $70, and analysts are discussing a potential $100 price tag for Grand ...
Could $100 become the new standard for AAA games? Rumors of GTA 6's premium price tag spark debate over the future of gaming ...
Grand Theft Auto is known for creating controversy. How will it navigate a more progressive, politically fraught time? There ...
A video game industry analyst has said that there is “hope,” in the games industry that GTA 6 could cost up to $100 so that other companies could raise their default prices as well.
How three out-of-work friends spent COVID staging a tragedy inside a comedy in GTA Online — and made a doc about it ...
During a pandemic lockdown, out-of-work actors turned to the video game Grand Theft Auto Online, where a tortured soliloquy may be interrupted by a rocket launcher.
The documentary Grand Theft Hamlet, directed by Sam Crane and Pinny Grylls, tells the incredible true story of how a group of ...
Faced with COVID lockdown, two out-of-work actors reach for Shakespeare in an experimental documentary that creates art on ...
There's something fishy about Big Smoke from the moment you play the game. The first glaring sign is that, unlike all the ...
Grand Theft Hamlet” is a pointed, entertaining and moving examination of interdisciplinary conductivity at its most ...
A guide to the GTA 6 release date window along with an explanation of Grand Theft Auto delay fears, pre-order, price rumors, ...