In addition to the K5 ASR, Verizon provides connectivity for Knightscope’s K1 Blue Light Tower and Blue Light E-Phones.
Cargill has $165 billion in turnover, and just two private 5G networks. But its 5G story is more instructive, perhaps, than ...
Verizon Wireless is suing Spring Lake Borough in New Jersey over its application to install 5G utility poles along a popular ...
The mayor and borough council hosted the final 5G Verizon application meeting on Tuesday, Nov. 12, in H.W. Mountz Elementary ...
Here's why Verizon is suing Spring Lake and why residents are fighting a plan to expand cell phone access at the beachfront.
Mobile’s fixed wireless service for two years. It’s superior to DSL but has some quirks I've discovered along the way.
Ericsson gathered key North American partners to talk open APIs alongside other key technology developments at an event in ...