There are a growing number of local governments across the state already considering the removal of fluoride from drinking ...
The House bill does not specifically mention fluoride, but it would prevent the 'use of any additive included primarily for ...
A Florida House panel approved a wide-ranging bill that would prevent local governments from adding fluoride to water ...
A Florida House panel Tuesday approved a wide-ranging bill that would prevent local governments from adding fluoride to water ...
It would prevent local governments from adding fluoride to water and block labeling of plant-based food as meat, milk, ...
A subcommittee advanced a package dubbed the "Florida Farm Bill." Targets include "any additive" to water "for health-related ...
Cocoa, Brevard County's largest water supplier, plans to resume adding fluoride to its tap water. The city stopped adding the ...
The Titusville Environmental Commission, an advisory board to the Titusville City Council, already has begun looking into the issue.
When roll call was taken, commissioners Leo Longworth, Gary Ball and Laura Simpson decided to stick with fluoride. Tanya ...
In a departure from recent trends, Port Orange and Cocoa city councils both voted to continue adding fluoride to their water supplies.
Will Stone with the county says a lot of people overuse their sprinklers, and they also easily break without them knowing.