"Associated Press" executive editor Julie Pace had a chance to explain their position on the organization's feud with the ...
An Associated Press(AP) reporter was blocked from an Oval Office event. The White House cited its refusal to use the ...
Pace said the wire service is digging in for a free speech battle it hopes to win on behalf of those who do not want their language policed by government.
Want to know a quick and easy way to dismantle a democracy? Derail its media outlets. The less the public knows about what officials are doing, the easier it is for corruption to flourish, and the ...
Top editors for Reuters, the Associated Press (AP), and Bloomberg News united to condemn “any steps” taken to “limit” wire ...
The White House handpicked the first group of outlets for a new system of media access in which it chooses who is able to ...
An AP spokesperson said the team looks forward to its next hearing as they fight for the First Amendment right to freedom of ...
The White House Correspondents Association will no longer be responsible for determining which outlets get privileged access ...
The Trump administration may continue — for now — to keep the AP from covering key events. A federal judge declined to issue ...
District Judge Trevor N. McFadden denied the AP’s request for a temporary restraining order that would have restored press ...
McFadden said the AP had not proven harm requiring an immediate restraining order. But he cautioned the White House that the ...
But the judge hinted that future rulings in the suit could go differently, cautioning the White House to “think about whether ...