The police in Kerala on Thursday exhumed the body of a self-proclaimed godman, Gopan Swami, who was found in a sitting position in a concrete chamber in Neyyattinkara. A 32-year-old Kerala man ...
The Kerala High Court today closed the writ petition filed by late Gopan Swami's family (wife and children) after exhumation of his body from the Samadhi site.His family had approached the High ...
The court orally observed that the commission, headed by Justice C.N. Ramachandran Nair, appeared to lack a proper rationale.
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The Kerala High Court on Monday closed the plea challenging an administrative order to exhume the body of Gopan Swamy, a former headload worker and Hindu monk whose demise drew controversy after his ...
Here is the address of the Neyyattinkara KL-20 Regional Transport Office in Kerala. You can also use the additional information such as the Neyyattinkara RTO Phone Number and Email ID to contact ...
The Rachakonda police are engaged in an arduous investigation to locate the remains of a woman purportedly killed and dismembered by her husband, an ex-serviceman now working as a security guard.