After two symbolic African leaders’ summits, Russia’s trading is steadily increasing but significantly in exports of military weapons and equipment. According to Kremlin reports, Russian President ...
In December 2022, the fifteenth meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) saw governments worldwide unite behind a set of ambitious targets aimed at ...
The old guard is back in North Macedonia, as the former ruling party – the Internal Macedonian Revolutionary Organization – Democratic Party for Macedonian National Unity (VMRO-DPMNE) – returns to ...
As the UN gears up to host the Summit of the Future, the UN chief appeals to world leaders to commit to universal agreements to work towards solutions.
As the devastating 11-month-old conflict in Gaza keeps escalating, with over 41,000 mostly civilian killings, and more than ...
MULLIVAIKAL, Sri Lanka , Sep 16 2024 (IPS) - Thousands of Tamils are heading to Mullivaikal on the northeast coast of Sri ...
Overnight, hundreds of people in the rural community of Las Mangas, located in Granma province in eastern Cuba, realised ...
It has been nearly one year since the commencement of Israeli occupation in the Gaza Strip and living conditions for millions ...
The El Niño-induced drought has such a severe impact on some Zimbabwean rural areas that villagers dig river beds to find the ...
In Ukraine, as families, pushed out of their homes, cling to what is left of the education system, ECW appeals to the global ...
Democracy is as much a process as a goal. For the ideal of Democracy to be enjoyed by everyone, it requires participation and ...
At most international forums, including the annual UN General Assembly high-level debate, Sierra Leonean President Julius ...