Department of Chemistry at the University of Otago. She is an astrochemist and astrobiologist, interested in the possibilities of ...
The hunt for life on Mars is driven by more than curiosity – it seeks to understand humanity's place in the universe.
Former Prime Minister Sir Geoffrey Palmer puts forward 12 reforms of Parliament that would help restore and strengthen our democracy ...
Their motives for pursuing career breaks were varied. Most literature related to career breaks mentions feelings of burnout ...
NZEI Te Riu Roa – the country's largest education union – has elected wāhine Māori Ripeka Lessels and Raewyn Himona to take ...
Well, what I’d say to you about my New Year’s resolutions is that this year is going to be better than the last, probably, I ...
Comment: Radical libertarian ideologies are generating extreme inequality and ripping the social fabric of NZ, writes Anne Salmond. Don’t we want to be a place where talent wants to live?
The children's minister is unapologetic about the controversial decisions she's made this year – even if it's resulted in a personally difficult time.
An $80 million subantarctic pest eradication project is being backed by a high-profile conservation charity targeting wealthy individuals. Since it was established in 2000, NZ Nature Fund has raised ...
The founder and former co-leader of Te Pāti Māori died in the early hours of Friday following a stroke earlier in the week.