A cat rescue charity has said it has rehomed a record number of cats and kittens this year. Venture Farm Cat Rescue in ...
The union and trust had agreed to introduce a new, national pay-band structure for healthcare assistants, but the union has ...
A recycling centre worker shared a hack to test if wrapping paper can be recycled. Sarah Clarke, information education ...
A father who saved his family during the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami has recalled how he "missed death five times on that day".
A cricket association chairman said he feared for the future of the village game in a county which boasts England's champion ...
በደቡብ አፍሪካ በብዝሀ ሕይወት የሚታወቀው አካባቢ በሕገ ወጥ ዕፅዋት አዘዋዋሪዎች ዒላማ ተደርጓል። ሕገ ወጥ የዕፅዋት ዝውውሩ ማኅበራዊ ቀውስ ...
Ko Wen-je, once a rising star in Taiwanese politics and a presidential contender, was indicted Thursday on corruption charges ...
ፕረዚደንት ኣመሪካ ዶናልድ ትራምፕ ንመሬት ኣርክቲክ ንምዕዳግ ዝነበሮ ድሌት ድሕሪ ምድጋሙ፡ መንግስቲ ዴንማርክ ድማ ከም ግብረ-መልሲ፡ ኣብ ውሽጢ ሰዓታት ንምክልኻል ግሪንላንድ ዝውዕል ዓቢይ ባጀት ...
ኣብተን ኣብዞም መዳያት ዝለዓለ ጽልዋ ዘሕድራ ሃገራት ዘሎ ኵነታት ንምፍላጥ፡ ውድብ መሰል ዋንነት ዓለም ኣብዚ ቀረባ እዋን ኣብ 2024 ዓለማዊ ምህዞ መዐቀኒ ኣውጺኡ ነይሩ። ብዓለምለኻዊ መዐቀኒ ...
Charles Cavey, better to known to locals as The Singing Binman, has been performing on one of Cambridge's busiest streets for ...
The family of an aspiring teenage photographer with a rare and aggressive form of cancer has praised the "phenomenal" support ...
Syria's new rebel-led authorities say 14 interior ministry personnel have been killed and 10 injured in an "ambush" by forces ...