Anguilla does not publish official house price statistics. General economics data are from the Anguilla's Government Statistics Office and the Eastern Caribbean Central Bank.
This comparison highlights the median monthly rental prices for one-bedroom apartments in capital cities or major urban centers, based on our in-house research.
The data is primarily derived from government statistics or local property market reports that periodically track national or capital city square meter (or square foot) prices for residential ...
The GDP per capita represents the total value of a country's economic output per person. It is calculated by dividing the nation's GDP by its population and is expressed in U.S. dollars for the most ...
These figures are for reference only; always consult a reputable lawyer for accurate advice. In many countries, it is more tax-efficient to buy and rent through a company. For more information on ...
Netherlands Antilles does not publish official house price statistics. General economics statistics are from the Central Bureau of Statistics of Netherlands Antilles.
Average rental yields for 1, 2, and 3-bedroom residential properties in capital cities are calculated using median property prices and rental rates, sourced from local real estate listings across each ...